(c) Johan Deters
(C) Johan Deters

Warmth Johan Deters

Johan Deters images people who themselves are not aware of being observed from outside.

He does this in a controlled and subtly way. They surrender to the infinity of time and become one with their environment.

Kars Persoon, artist and lecturer at the AKI, wrote the following about Johan's work:

"Johan works in a controlled and subtle way, making it appear that the persons in question are surrendering to the infinity of the moment and become one with their environment. It is as if in this ultimate peace and relaxation, a necessity imposes itself to save this idyll forever. We live in a time where the world is poisoned more than we can imagine. And with this realization it becomes clear that a desire for purity, for serenity is used here critically by Johan. That silence, sensitivity and open-mindedness are values which he wants to emphasize. In the Phaedrus, Plato says that '... The beauty in the things reflected through their integrity, simplicity, stillness and bliss. They in turn are inherent in those appearances -by the dedication to our eyes revealed -in a pure and brilliant light ...'
It is as if Johan wants to connect this notion of beauty with the experience of intimacy and closeness."

Opening in the presence of the exhibitor on Thursday 15 December, 16:30 hrs.