Ethics & Technology

Ethical and political controversies often concern new and emerging technologies.Their novelty revolutionizes, yet they also influence society on a moral, ethical, and political level. Both proponents and opponents of new technologies can be preoccupied with the extremes of possible impacts, and the debate can be hampered or stifled as a result. How then, can we assure that contemporary and emerging technologies are beneficial, responsible, and sustainable?

How can we understand the ethical, social and political role of contemporary technology, including its design and development, and assess its impact on society?

This ethical and moral debate is grounded in the design and development of new technologies - long before their introduction into society. Through the research strand Ethics & Technology, we seek to teach and advise both engineers and policy makers regarding the possible and plausible impact of new technologies, as well as the general public, and to investigate the societal impact of such technologies through objective and scientific methods.

This research strand currently focuses on four primary facets:

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