UTFacultiesBMSDept HIBPHTUT- Literature review on Physical Activity or Tinnitus

UT- Literature review on Physical Activity or Tinnitus

UT- Literature review on Physical Activity or Tinnitus


University of Twente: dept PHT


Enschede, The Netherlands

Period of internship

November 2024-February 2025

Description of Assignment

For a variety of projects we are looking for students who are interested in doing a literature review:

1)      Unconscious associations and their role in motivational barriers to physical activity

This literature scan will explore how unconscious processes, such as negative associations with physical activity (e.g., linking exercise with fatigue or discomfort), contribute to a lack of motivation to engage in regular physical activity among sedentary individuals. The review will also examine how interventions, like self-monitoring apps, might address these unconscious barriers and promote more active lifestyles. 

2)      Interventions to Stimulate Physical Activity: Understanding Barriers, Facilitators, and the Impact of Age

This assignment aims to investigate the various interventions designed to promote physical activity and identify which behavior change techniques (BCTs) are most effective. The focus will be on examining the barriers and facilitators that influence motivation for physical activity, particularly considering the role of chronological age and biological age in shaping these motivational factors. The student will conduct a literature review to highlight existing interventions, analyze their effectiveness, and determine how age-related factors affect individuals' willingness to engage in physical activity. The assignment can be made feasible by narrowing the scope to a specific population group (e.g., older adults or individuals with sedentary lifestyles) and concentrating on a select few BCTs that show promise in overcoming identified barriers to physical activity. 

3)      The Role of eHealth in Managing Tinnitus

This assignment explores the current eHealth interventions available for managing tinnitus. The focus is on how these digital tools help alleviate psychological distress and enhance coping mechanisms for individuals suffering from tinnitus. The student will conduct a literature review, highlighting the effectiveness of these interventions and identifying gaps where future eHealth solutions could be developed or improved.

Information contact person:

Name: Annemarie Braakman-Janssen
Email: l.m.a.braakman-jansen@utwente.nl