UTFacultiesBMSDept HIBPHTUT- Investigating Ecological Momentary Interventions for Mental Health

UT- Investigating Ecological Momentary Interventions for Mental Health

UT- Investigating Ecological Momentary Interventions for Mental Health


University of Twente: dept PHT


Enschede, The Netherlands

Period of internship

November 2024-February 2025

Description of Assignment

In this project, you will explore ecological momentary interventions (EMIs) designed to enhance mental health outcomes, drawing from both academic health and clinical psychology research. You will build on the foundation laid by previous student researchers and contribute to a deeper understanding of these interventions and their mechanisms of change. 

Your responsibilities will include:

  1. Extracting Data from Pre-identified Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs): The relevant RCTs have already been identified through the efforts of previous students. Your task is to systematically extract key data points from these articles, such as intervention design, sample size, outcome measures, and findings.
  2. Designing a Qualtrics Survey: To gather further insights from the authors of these trials, you will design and distribute a Qualtrics survey. This survey will ask about unpublished details of the intervention, its implementation, and any additional observed outcomes.
  3. Interviewing Clinicians: The goal of this task is to identify the supposed mechanisms of change (MoC) underlying these interventions. You will interview clinicians to gather their impressions of the MoC based on the descriptions of the interventions provided in the RCTs. For this task, you will work with the a recently developed taxonomy of mechanistic changes (Wucherpfennig et al., 2023).
  4. Performing Risk of Bias Assessments: You will assess the risk of bias in the identified studies, applying established frameworks to evaluate their methodology. This will involve identifying potential sources of bias that could affect the study outcomes.

Who We Are Looking For

We are seeking organized and reliable students who can break down long, complex tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. Time management and self-organization will be critical, as you will need to structure your own workflow and meet deadlines.
Collaboration is also essential for this project. You will work closely with fellow students and interns, dividing tasks and coordinating your efforts to ensure that all components of the project are completed efficiently and effectively. Strong communication skills and a team-oriented mindset will be vital to your success in this role.

What We Can Offer

  • Close Supervision: You will receive close supervision and guidance from two assistant professors, ensuring you have support throughout each phase of the project.
  • Engagement with a Larger Group: You will be part of a larger group composed of fellow students and interns, creating opportunities for collaboration, learning, and networking. 


Wucherpfennig, F., Schwartz, B., & Rubel, J. (2023). Towards a taxonomy of mechanisms of change? Findings from an expert survey on the association between common factors and specific techniques in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy Research34(3), 398–411. https://doi.org/10.1080/10503307.2023.2206051

Information contact person:

Name: Jorge Piano Simoes
Email: j.pianosimoes@utwente.nl