UTFacultiesBMSDept HIBPHTUT Stress in Action: Advancing the Science of Stress by Moving the Lab to Daily Life

UT Stress in Action: Advancing the Science of Stress by Moving the Lab to Daily Life


Stress in Action: Advancing the Science of Stress by Moving the Lab to Daily Life


University of Twente: Department of Psychology, Health and Technology


Enschede, The Netherlands

Period of internship

November 2024-April 2025

Description of Assignment

The stress in action project is a 10-year research project on how to better measure stress in daily life. Most of the time stress is measured in laboratory conditions, but that doesn’t seem to have good predictive validity for which people actually will face health conditions due to (chronic) stress. Therefore, wee need to measure stress in the daily bustle of people’s lives. For your internship you can contribute to the first phase of this large research project where we are selecting, testing and validating all kinds of stress tools. Stress is multidimensional and is related to how you feel, what you think, what you do and how your body reacts. For all those aspects we need good questions, technologies and other measurement instruments. To get a first idea about the project you should look at the website: https://stress-in-action.nl/. To give you an idea about your activities; you could be testing out wearables in a VR setting where people are faced with heights and scary social situations. You could be testing apps and supporting research in daily life to ask questions about stress, measure their attention and memory, while also passively monitoring their phone use and location. We are looking for students interested in the practice of health psychology research and who want to know more about stress and health in daily life, you do not need to have to speak Dutch for this position. You will be contributing to testing and selecting stress measurement technology. An internship within the stress in action program will provide you with an excellent starting position for your master thesis on similar topics.

Information contact person:

Name: Matthijs Noordzij
Telephone: 053 - 489 2589
Email: m.l.noordzij@utwente.nl