UTFacultiesBMSDept HIBPHTUT Reporting guidelines for Experience Sampling Methodology research

UT Reporting guidelines for Experience Sampling Methodology research

Reporting guidelines for Experience Sampling Methodology research

Organisation: UT section of Psychology Health and Technology

Location: Enschede (remote working is possible)

Period: November 2023- February 2024

Brief description of the assignment:

While there are a lot of reporting guidelines for many different types of studies (see e.g. Equator network), as of yet there are no commonly used frameworks for reporting Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM) studies. ESM, also referred to as ecological momentary assessment, ambulatory assessment, N=1, or daily dairy studies, are increasingly more used for research and evaluation, but it can be difficult to evaluate whether the studies are done right. Hence, the Daily Life Research Lab of the BMS sets out an exploratory study on whether there are existing frameworks that are (almost) ready to use or whether a new framework needs to be developed.

In this assignment, you start out with a systematic literature search and come up with an overview of ESM reporting guidelines and/or a proposal for a Delphi study.

Contact person for more information:
Name: Gerko Schaap
Email: g.schaap@utwente.nl