UTFacultiesBMSDept HIBPHTUT Positive psychological interventions in Post-COVID-19 syndrome

UT Positive psychological interventions in Post-COVID-19 syndrome

Positive psychological interventions in Post-COVID-19 syndrome

Organisation: UT section of Psychology Health and Technology

Location: Enschede (remote working is possible)

Period: November 2023- February 2024

Brief description of the assignment:

Long term sequelae after COVID-19, i.e. post-COVID-19 syndrome (a.k.a. long COVID) have an enormous negative effect on the quality of life in sufferers. So far, few psychological interventions exist that help this target group. Interestingly, preliminary findings have shown that positive and negative affect (feelings) play an important role in symptom severity (but not necessarily reversely). Thus, it stands to reason that positive psychological interventions can be beneficial in improving the (health-related) quality of life in post-COVID-19 sufferers. The question that remains: which intervention(s) would be most suitable?

Your main task will be to perform a systematic literature study on positive affect/positive psychological interventions that exist in chronic somatic or psychosomatic conditions, and help inform the choice for a pilot intervention study. During the project, you are invited to join the post-COVID-19 research meetings of our section and help with all kinds of related tasks in developing this intervention. Consequently, with this project, you are able to develop both on theoretical knowledge and practical know-how of (psycho)somatic illness and (positive) psychological interventions and research.

Contact person for more information:
Name: Gerko Schaap
Email: g.schaap@utwente.nl