UTFacultiesBMSDept HIBPHTUT&RRD Validity of a decision support tool for personalised referral advice for patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain

UT&RRD Validity of a decision support tool for personalised referral advice for patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain

Validity of a decision support tool for personalised referral advice for patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain


Type: Master project (Msc)

Intern/extern: external

Students: 1

Own data collection

Type of research: qualitative empirical

EC: 25


The prevalence of chronic pain in adults in the Netherlands is approximately 20%. The majority of this group has generalized pain in the musculoskeletal system, such as back and neck complaints. It is known that these patients report a lower quality of life compared to other patient groups with chronic conditions and the annual social costs amount to more than €4 billion in direct (care) and indirect (mostly sick leave) costs. To minimize the burden of chronic pain, appropriate treatment should be initiated as early as possible. However, in more than 30% of cases, patients are referred back to their General Practitioner (GP) for a new referral to another healthcare provider, after their GP referred them to secondary care. As a result, patients have to wait too long before appropriate treatment starts, which can lead to increased damage and make the patient more difficult to treat. To improve the indication and treatment of patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain and cooperation between general practitioners and healthcare institutions within Twente, the Twents Network Chronic Pain (TNCP) has been set up. This network comprises various healthcare organizations from different settings: general practitioners, physiotherapists, occupational therapists (primary care); ZGT, MST, TACTUS, Medical Psychology ZGT, psychiatry (secondary care); Roessingh Center for Rehabilitation (tertiary care); Patientennaar1stem (patients); University of Twente (BMS/PHT, EWI/BSS and EWI/DS), Saxion (Lectorate of Health and Exercise), and Roessingh Research & Development (research institutions). An initial inventory within this network shows that the referral criteria for referrers and the factors that are predictive of effective treatment are missing. A proof-of-concept study  (PReferral) identified these referral criteria and predictive factors, and aimed to develop a referral model as a first step towards a digital diagnostic centre that provides support through a clinical decision support system (CDSS) in decision-making regarding appropriate referral.

The current project focuses on further validation of this clinical decision support system: does the system include all possible referral options and decision moments? Does it use the correct inclusion/exclusion criteria of relevant institutions? What do these institutions think about this system? Are all the different parts relevant? To answer these questions, professionals from the institutions involved should be interviewed. The content of the interviews will be determined by the student, in consultation with the supervisors.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for an enthusiastic and proactive master's student with a background in psychology or health sciences, or with an affinity in the field of evaluation of personalized health technology or the target group of the research. Due to the nature of the assignment, students should be able to read Dutch.

What do we offer / what does it bring you?

The current assignment concerns a practical investigation; you gain experience in systematically conducting qualitative validation research, conducting structured interviews (conversation skills), and you become acquainted with all parties involved in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain in Twente, providing you with a good foundation for a relevant network. You will carry out the assignment in a renowned rehabilitation centre where technology is of paramount importance.

Supervisors University of Twente 
To be determined

External supervisor 
Reinoud Achterkamp
