UTFacultiesBMSDept HIBPHTMST & the UT BMS Lab - Virtual Reality for patients with rheumatic diseases

MST & the UT BMS Lab - Virtual Reality for patients with rheumatic diseases

Testing Virtual Reality for patients with rheumatic diseases

Type of assignment:                    MA internship (combination with thesis is possible)

Internal or external?:                   extern: MST in collaboration with UT

Maximum number of students:    1

Individual collecting of data?        Yes

Type of research:                        design & mixed methods

Description of the assignment:

For your internship and thesis you can participate in a research collaboration between the MST Enschede, Health Psychology & Technology and the BMSLab.

Virtual reality is a promising technology to improve well-being since it is fun to use, immerse the user into another world, offers environments for exploring and practicing new behaviors and reactions and is able to effectively change mood states.

In your Internship and probably also  in your master thesis you will concentrate on effects and psychological working mechanism of VR applications for the improvement of pain and vitality in patients with rheumatic diseases. Our aim is to bring two different VR environments (Reducept and Walk in Nature) to the home of patients. The Reducept environment is on the market and aims to improve pain severity in chronic pain patients. The Walk in Nature environment is designed by the collaboration of HPT and the BMS Lab and aims to improve movement and vitality in patients with Bechterew among other applications and target groups.

You will explore the usability and effects of the VR environments with the final goal to bring a part of hospital care to the home of patients and give them the opportunity to apply self-management proactively. You will work together with the BMS lab to use and probably uplevel the VR environment. In the MST, you might work together with master students from other UT programs and in the BMS Lab you eventually collaborate with intern candidates software development.

For this assignment Dutch language proficiency is needed since you will work with patients.

What are we offering? Working with an interdisciplinary team in the hospital MST and the BMS Lab

More information?: Prof. dr. Harald Vonkeman (MST) or Dr. Christina Bode (c.bode@utwente.nl)

Supervisor: Dr. Christina Bode (UT)