UTFacultiesBMSDept HIBPHTUT - Toolkit for technology in dementia care at home

UT - Toolkit for technology in dementia care at home

Designing a toolkit for monitoring technology in home-based dementia care

Organisation: UT department of Psychology, Health & Technology; UT Online Media department

Number of students: 1

Location: Enschede

Period of internship: To be determined

Description of the assignment:

There is growing interest in supporting people with dementia to live at home for longer via smart technologies. Smart monitoring technologies, in particular, allow informal caregivers (such as relatives or neighbours) to remotely monitor the health and safety of people with dementia and respond to care needs more quickly. However, successful design and implementation remains challenging.

During the last years, the TTT project has used different methods (systematic reviews, and qualitative/ quantitative studies among the target group and relevant stakeholders) to create (i.a.) novel design requirements, stakeholder profiles, and preconditions for successful implementation of monitoring technology for home-based dementia care. Currently, the project findings are available to a scientific audience only which hinders impact in practice.

During the internship you will design an online toolkit (=website) for development and implementation of monitoring technology to support home-based dementia care. You will translate scientific insights into practical recommendations which are easy to use by a broad group of stakeholders including technology developers, home care professionals, and policy makers within home care institutions. You will work together with a doctoral researcher of the TTT project, the UT Online Media department and (if needed) partners from a local aged care institution.

Who are we looking for?

Students who are interested in dementia care, eHealth, and bridging the gap between research and practice. Mastery of the Dutch language is required as the toolkit will be in Dutch.

What are we offering?

Working on a topic of growing importance together with interdisciplinary researchers and media designers.

Contact person/ supervisor:

Dr. Annemarie Braakman-Jansen
