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Technological innovation in the fields of safety and crime (@Dialogic)

internship / master thesis assignment


Criminals are increasingly shifting their activities to the online world and organised crime is operating more and more professionally. Justice and investigation have no choice but to follow. From the crime fighting perspective, various questions arise. For example, how can we measure as precisely as possible how much hidden crime there is (in other words, what is the dark number of crime)? Can we use big data analyses to predict which forms of crime will emerge in the future? To what extent does the increasing use of facial recognition technology pose a threat to our privacy? How can the police effectively detect suspects if encryption and shared IP addresses become ubiquitous? Can we determine the sentiment of certain target groups by means of text analyses on internet forums? How effective are certain crime fighting methods?

The current internship / thesis project focuses on one or more of these questions. This assignment is in collaboration with Dialogic - a research and consultancy firm. There is room to specify your own assignment (in line with the framework outlined above).

about research agency dialogic

Dialogic is an independent research and consultancy firm focusing on innovation issues in the public sector. They specialize in supporting governments, knowledge institutes and intermediary organisations through policy research and strategic advice. In addition, they develop and implement innovative methods for collecting data, data analysis and data visualisation. See www.dialogic.nl


Students must also be fluent in Dutch. 


This project is open to one student. Start is immediate.Please contact Steven Watson (s.j.watson@utwente.nl) if you are interested in this assignment.