UTFacultiesBMSEventsPhD Defence Jasper van Sambeek

PhD Defence Jasper van Sambeek

smarter imaging management - operations management for radiology 

Jasper van Sambeek is a PhD Student in the research group Technology Management and Supply. His supervisors are professor Koos Krabbendam en professor Erwin Hans from the faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social sciences (BMS). 

Patients who require imaging in hospitals often have to wait for weeks for their scan. The studies described in this dissertation focus on improving the imaging service levels, together with efficient deployment of resources. We accomplished this by applying Operations Management (OM) techniques and combining theory with implementations in practice. We determined the success of the improvements by involving both management, professionals, and patients. Herewith, we provide tools to optimize hospital processes. We found that there is need for smarter imaging processes and OM can greatly contribute to this.