7. Shared Decision-Making in rheumatology: What matters to patients?
Ingrid Nota (PhD Candidate), Stans Drossaert, Erik Taal, Harald Vonkeman, Mart van de Laar
Key words:
Shared Decision Making, Co-creation, Rheumatology, Mixed Method research
Shared decision-making (SDM) is seen as a key element of high quality modern medicine. To support the SDM process and prepare patients to make medical decisions in collaboration with their clinician, Patient Decision Aids (PtDAs) can be used. This dissertation focuses on the perspective of patients on SDM in the setting of rheumatology care. With the use of qualitative and quantitative research methods, we gained knowledge about patients’ perspectives of SDM in rheumatology. Moreover we developed a PtDA in co-creation with patients and health professionals and evaluated it in a quasi experiment.
This project was granted by the Dutch Arthritis foundation. In the project we collaborated with care professionals from the Medisch Spectrum Twente (MST)
The thesis Shared Decision-Making in rheumatology: What matters to patients?
The decision aid is still being used and can be found here http://www.reumamedicatiekeuzehulp.nl/home