MODULE 1: ELECTRonics, Sensors and actuators
Your introduction to electrical engineering! This module gives you a general overview of the field of electrical engineering. It teaches you the basics, from electronics, electrical networks, signal theory, electronic instrumentation, system design and programming to electronic hardware, as well as providing you with the corresponding mathematical foundation. You will learn to develop sensors to find out more about the parameters you are dealing with. Your team project will involve electrical measurements on humans, for example in sports or in healthcare. This could mean measuring match endurance, or quantifying responses to certain materials for early detection of illnesses.
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Your aim in this module is to learn various ways to analyse, design and apply electrical networks comprised of sources, resistors, capacitors, inductors and much more. You will also learn about the mathematics (calculus) necessary to perform these analyses. Your project will focus on designing a circuit to feed the (energy) output of a solar cell into the power grid, addressing the question of how to use a solar cell efficiently.
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Starting 2021 we have a new and improved Electronics module. You will build on the knowledge of the first two modules and continue with Low Frequency Electronics and apply your knowledge in an audio project. We will also introduce you to Maxwell’s theory which describes electro and magneto statics. Vector Calculus is the essential math to work with electromagnetic fields.
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MODULE 4: Wireless transmission
In this module we will continue with the High Frequency Electronics needed for radio frequency transmission. To make a successful wireless transmission system you also need electrodynamics. The mathematics this quarter is Linear Algebra.