Workshop 'Intelligent Careers', Monday July 10th

Invitation for a Workshop on: Intelligent Careers by Michael Arthur

Monday the 10th of July, 15.00 – 17.00 h.

Location: Drienerburght

University of Twente

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Prof. Michael Arthur is a world-famous career scholar from Suffolk University, Boston, USA.  His books - Handbook of Career Theory (1989), The Boundaryless Career: A New Employment Principle for a New Organizational Era (1996) and The New Careers: Individual Action and Economic Change (1999) – became essential reading for anyone engaged in career research and practice. For his academic achievements, he has been awarded the Everett C. Hughes Award for Careers Scholarship: to be presented at the Academy of Management meetings in Atlanta, August, 2006.


Arthur’s recent research interests include the management of knowledge work. His new book co-authored with Robert DeFillippi and Val Lindsay (2006) is entitled Knowledge at Work: Creative Collaboration in the Global Economy (Blackwell). It has been nominated by the European Academy of Management as one of the most promising management texts for 2006.


In addition to his research interests, Arthur also consults organizations and trains HR professionals and career counselors in the “Intelligent Career Card Sort®” (ICCS®) Career Exploration Exercise. The ICCS® guides individuals through three “ways of knowing” concerned with why, how and through whom we work, and helps those individuals better navigate their futures in the knowledge-driven economy.


Michael will be at the University of Twente on Monday July 10th. He is British originally with an excellent sense of humour. It is always a pleasure to hear him speaking and interact with him. 


Kind regards,

Prof.dr. Celeste Wilderom



Svetlana Khapova