Annual FFNT conference
The biggest event of FFNT is the annual conference. During the conference, there will be inspiring talks from invited speaks, sometimes workshops are organized and there is plenty of time for networking. Every year, the event has a different theme which will be the topic of the various talks and workshops.
Conference 2024
The conference this year takes place on Tuesday February 13th in the UPark hotel. The theme of this years conference is "Fix the Women or Fix the Institution?". Registration
The conference comprises three keynote talks by established experts and a panel discussion. The objective is to foster an open and inspiring dialogue among experts in the field, academics, and managers, aiming to generate innovative, practical, and impactful ideas.
Keynote – Prof Tanya Bondarouk, Full Professor and Dean, BMS, UTwente
“Doing Gender, Practising Politics: are we on the right track in academia?”
Keynote – Dr Stephanie McKendry, Deputy Director of Student Experience, U. Strathclyde
“A UK Perspective: the impact of the Athena SWAN charter on gender equality at a university level”
Keynote – MSc Karin Sluis, Managing Director, Witteveen+Bos
“How wearing socks can improve diversity in your organization”
Panel discussion:
Panelists: Prof Vinod Subramaniam (President Executive Board, UTwente), Prof Joost Kok (Dean EEMCS, UTwente), Drs Cathelijne de Carpentier Wolf - de Vin (HR manager, UTwente), along with the keynote speakers
Moderator: Dr Heather Handley
Past Conferences
In the past there have already been many FFNT conferences. Below you can find the themes of all the different editions.
- Conference 2019: Inclusiveness at 360o : High tech, human touch in practice.
- Conference 2018: Academic career and work-life balance.
- Conference 2016: Openness to diversity: integrating local and global perspectives.
- Conference 2015: Advantages of an inclusive university: science and gender nexus.
- Conference 2013: Engineering your career: independence and cooperation.
- Conference 2012: Gender in academic leadership.
- Conference 2011: Stop leaking the pipeline: the future of female academics.
- Conference 2008: Gender Management, uncover hidden treasures.
- Conference 2007: Diveresity.
- Conference 2006: Academic leadership
- Conference 2005: Professional Women