Name: | Michela Campagna |
Michela Campagna was born in Fondi, Italy, in 1986. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Clinical Engineering at University of Rome La Sapienza in 2012 with an assignment for DIAEE department about “Thermal comfort in hyperbaric chamber”. In 2012 she started her Master in Biomedical Engineering at the same University. Currently, she is carrying out her graduation assignment at University of Twente in the research chairs Mesoscale Chemical Systems and Molecular NanoFabrication under the supervision of Brigitte Bruijns, Roald Tiggelaar and Han Gardeniers.
Current assignment:
Within her Master project Michela is working on specific DNA analysis by DNA probes immobilized on a glass surface for forensic applications. The aim is to detect human DNA in crime scene samples with a low limit of detection and as less amplification cycles as possible. Her research involves isothermal amplification reactions, surface functionalization and fluorescence detection techniques. If successful on flat surfaces the immobilization technique will be applied to real Lab-on-a-chip devices.