Smart MicroReactors




Luigi Capuano




Luigi Capuano was born in Formia, Italy, in 1989. He took his Bachelor’s degree in Clinical Engineering at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 2012 with the graduation thesis: “Design and development of a wireless device for capturing movement signals” with prof. Domenico Caputo. During his study he has worked on the project: “Design and implementation of a functioning electrocardiograph” with prof. Giancarlo Filligoi. After finishing his bachelor in 2012 he started his Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. In January 2015 he started his master graduation assignment at MCS in the University of Twente.

Current assignment:

The MSc-assignment deals with the fabrication of structures in/on sapphire, as an alternative to other substrates, by means of laser processing and subsequent chemical etching, as well as the realization of thin-film heating/sensing structures on the surface of sapphire. This involves engineering (control/electrical) as well as material science. For the assignment Luigi will cooperate with two groups: the chairs of Applied Laser Technology (CTW) and Mesoscale Chemical Systems (TNW), and also involves work within the MESA+ Nanolab and the Laser cleanroom.