Maciej Domanski was born in Czestochowa (Poland) in 1982. He received his MSc Eng. degree in materials science in July 2007 (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland). During his undergraduate research period he was working with bi-functional biomaterials for drug delivery systems. Result of his studies is a bioactive ceramic-polymer compound for antibiotic delivery in situ - there is a patent process pending for his invention. After graduating in 2007 with great honors diploma he became a member of Mesoscale Chemical Systems (MCS) group leaded by Prof. Han J.G.E. Gardeniers. There he worked on a “Nanosurf” project which goal was to investigate relations between nanopatterned biomaterial surfaces and living matter. The final aim of this project was to create bioactive, regularly nanopatterned surface that can be applied on implants in maxillofacial applications. The project was held in collaboration with UMC Radboud in Nijmegen. Maciej had his defense on the 2nd of September 2011.
Currently he is working as an Industry postdoctoral researcher in Beckman Coulter Biomedical company in Munich, DE. The research is focused on understanding microscale complex fluid flows and interfacial phenomena in biological analysis platform.