Brigitte Bruijns, M.Sc.


Brigitte Bruijns, M.Sc.
CR 1.514
+31 (0)53 489 3471

Brigitte Bruijns received her bachelor degree in Advanced Technology (University of Twente) in 2007. After that she graduated in 2008 and 2010 for respectively Science Education - Chemistry (University of Twente) and Forensic Science (University of Amsterdam) for which she carried out part of her research project at the University of Canberra, Australia.

As part of her masters in Analytical Sciences (University of Amsterdam), for which she graduated in 2011, she did her research project in the group of prof. Gardeniers. The project was entitled “Illicit drugs analysis on chip” and had as goal to develop a microfluidic device for a forensic application.

She joined the MCS-group from June 2011 till September 2012. In this period she carried out a forensic project to detect human DNA in crime scene samples. Her research involved droplet microfluidica, isothermal amplification reactions and optical detection techniques.

In October 2012 she started her job as lecturer Forensic Science and Crime Science at Saxion (Enschede). In February 2014 Brigitte came back to the MCS group as a PhD student ('promoveren binnen Saxion'). She will carry out her research project for three days a week.