Name: Email: Room: Phone: Function: | Rick Elbersen r.elbersen Carré, 4.052 +31 (0)53 489 4275 PhD-student |
Rick Elbersen was born in Deurne, the Netherlands, on Jan. 6th 1987. In 2005 he started his bachelor chemical engineering at the University of Twente. In 2009 he received his bachelor degree after which he continued with the mastertrack Molecules & Materials. In 2011 he graduated for his master assignment under supervision of Pascal Jonkheijm and Jurriaan Huskens at Molecular NanoFabrication group. The title of the project was ‘Charactization of adamantane functionalized perylene bisimides for the detection of β-cyclodextrin modified molecules’.
Since July 2011, he is a Ph.D. candidate under supervision of Prof. Dr. Ir. Jurriaan Huskens (Molecular NanoFabrication) and Prof. Dr. Han Gardeniers (Mesoscale Chemical Systems) at the University of Twente. The aim of his project is to design, characterize, and fabricate integrated solar-to-fuel devices that exploit nanostructuring for spatial organization of functional moieties, as a means to improve performance.