Name: | ir. ing. Henk-Willem Veltkamp |
Henk-Willem Veltkamp was born on 12 October 1989 in Zwolle, but lived for 22 years in the small city of Hattem. After secondary school he started in 2007 with a four year bachelor’s degree in chemistry at the Saxion University of Applied Sciences. Here he focused on analytical chemistry and lab-on-a-chip devices by doing internships at DSM Resins, Mesoscale Chemical Systems, and LioniX.
After earning his ing-degree (bachelor of applied sciences), he started in 2011 with a one year pre-master applied physics program. After this, he started with the master’s program Nanotechnology in 2012. During his master’s, Henk-Willem focused on micro- and nanofluidics, lab-on-a-chip devices, micro- and nanofabrication processes, and nanomedicine. In this year, he did a project with the Transducers Science and Technology research group on nanofabricated pyramids for particle trapping. The outcome of this research was presented on a poster during the International Nanoscience Students Conference (INASCON) 2013 in London. This poster was awarded the second prize. During his master’s thesis he worked on a microfluidic DNA extraction system for forensic applications. He did his master’s thesis on microfluidic structures for DNA isolation in the Mesoscale Chemical Systems research group.
After his master’s degree, he worked one year as a researcher in a collaboration between the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (research group “Chemische Ingenieurstechnieken en Industriële Scheikunde) and the University of Twente (research group Mesoscale Chemical Systems). After finishing this contract, he moved fully back to the University of Twente, where he became education coordinator E-learning and blended learning for the faculty Science and Technology. During this contract he orientated himself on finding a PhD position, which he got at the Micro Sensors and Systems research group at the University of Twente. He started with this in 2016.