Name: Email: Room: Phone: Function: | Hamid Emadi h.emadi CR-1514 053-4893071 Visiting researcher |
Hamid Emadi was born on 11th of December of 1986 in Amol, north of Iran. He received his BSc in Applied Chemistry at University of Mazandarn-Babolsar in 2009. At the end of his BSc Hamid has tried to be experienced in the synthesis and characterization of inorganic and organometallic material and their application in catalytic reaction in the Prof. Golchoubian’s group. He moved to University of Kashan for his MCs degree and was graduated in August of 2011 in the field of Nanochemistry. His master thesis was related to the synthesis of the nanomaterials and their applications in waste water treatment. At September of 2011 he was accepted as PhD student at University of Tehran in the field of the Inorganic Nanomaterials. His current thesis is mainly focused on the synthesis of magnetic nanomaterials and their applications under supervision of Dr. Ali Nemati Kharat. He is going to apply these materials as MRI contrast agents. In the second part of his project he wants to apply some of these magnetic materials as catalyst in reactions. On September of 2014 he joined to the MCS group at the University of Twente as visiting researcher to extend his knowledge in the field of solar to fuel cell and water splitting under supervision Prof. Han Gardeniers.