Nanoelectronic Materials

The general objective of the chair NanoElectronic Materials (NEM) is the research in new inorganic materials for applications in nanotechnology, and to improve the existing ones. The research is based on current trends in nanomaterials science and developments within MESA+: controlled growth of materials, control of their structure, and understanding of the structure-property relations.


The research is focused on materials science of complex materials, mostly used for nano-electronics. The research is focused on three areas:

Artificial materials: Recent advances in synthesis and (in-situ) atomic-scale characterization of complex oxides facilitated a significant revival in the field of functional nanomaterials, such as multiferroic and ferroelectric materials. Within this research area, these advances are used to engineer materials with novel or improved functionalities. This topic includes Novel Functional Properties at Oxide-Oxide Interfaces.

Functional and smart materials for devices: In addition to engineering materials, there is at present great interest in integrating functional and smart materials, such as piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials, within electronic and micro (nano) electro mechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS).

In-Situ Characterization of Film Growth and Interface Processes: Atomically controlled synthesis of (oxide) epitaxial heterostructures requires understanding of growth processes at the atomic scale. Within this area, new in-situ growth characterization tools are being developed, such as real-time atomic force microscopy and time resolved reflection high-energy electron diffraction.

The above-mentioned research areas have in common that they find their basis in materials science. It bridges the three disciplines in Faculty Science and Technology (Chemical Engineering, Applied Physics, and Nanotechnology)

For more information, please contact Prof. dr. ing. Guus Rijnders