Dr. Sieger Henke


Sieger (1986) started his study Biomedical Engineering in 2005 at the University of Twente. During his bachelor he specialized in Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Engineering. He did his bachelor thesis in the Polymer chemistry and BioMaterials group on “The influence of shear stress on the uptake of LDL cholesterol by endothelial cells". He continued his master in Tissue Engineering and graduated in the Tissue Engineering group on “Micro Aggregates and Micro Hydrogels for Cartilage Tissue Engineering”. In 2012 he started his PhD in the Developmental BioEngineering group of Marcel Karperien.

Summary of research

Diabetes type 1 is a widespread endocrine disorder with a significant social and economic impact. It is characterized by autoimmune destruction of β cells, which results in inadequate insulin secretion and an abnormally high level of blood glucose. Transplantation of pancreatic islets has emerged as a promising procedure for the treatment of patients with type 1 diabetes, but the procedure is inefficient and the results are not satisfactory yet. My project focuses on the possibilities of using microfluidics and hydrogels combined to improve this treatment. I aim to setup a workable and highly efficient technology platform, combining microfluidics and hydrogels, which can greatly assist in the development of a bioartificial pancreas.

Top 3 articles

Contact details

Seiger Henke, MSc
Department of Developmental BioEngineering
Building Zuidhorst, Room no. ZH 128
Drienerlolaan 5, PO box 217
7522NB Enschede, The Netherlands

Phone: +31-(0)53-489-3569
E-mail: s.j.henke@utwente.nl