Every first Thursday of the month there is an ANP meeting from 11:00 to 12:30hr. There are two 20-minute talks and an informal poster session afterwards. The location for the ANP meetings in 2025 are:
Thursday 09 January | t.b.a. |
Thursday 06 February | t.b.a. |
Thursday 06 March | t.b.a. |
Thursday 03 April | t.b.a. |
Thursday 01 May | t.b.a. |
Thursday 04 September | t.b.a. |
Thursday 02 October | t.b.a. |
Thursday 06 November | t.b.a. |
Thursday 04 December | t.b.a. |
These sessions are chaired by:
- Lisi Xia (Laser Physics & Nonlinear Optics)
Previous talks
- 2024
Lieke Bosch (TNW-SERVICES-HR): "Reorganization process and regulations"
Chuangchuang Wei (NLNP): "Exploring Thin-film Lithium Niobate for High-performance Integrated Microwave Photonics"
Riccardo Zinelli (HMOE): "Self-Sustained Oscillatory Light Emission in Plasmonic Molecular Junctions"
Muharrem Bayraktar (XUV): "Simultaneous spectroscopy and imaging of EUV plasmas using dispersion matched zone-plates"
Lisi Xia (LPNO): "Physical mode analysis of cascaded nonlinear processes in strongly-coupled waveguides"
Tieme Walstra (AQO): "Fiber polarisation mode dispersion measured with two-single-photon quantum interference"
Vahram Voskerchyan (IOS): "Next Opportunities for Grating Couplers"
Matthias Feinaeugle (LP): "Targeting small(er) feature diameters in laser implantation texturing"
Malaquias Correa Anguita (AQO): "Experimental Demonstration of a Quantum Maxwell's Demon"
Soheila Mardani (IOS): "Aluminium nitride integrated photonics for the infrared spectral range"
Yvan Klaver (NLNP): "Stimulated Brillouin lasing in tellurite covered silicon nitride disk resonators"
Dhyana Bharat (OS): "Fiber Bragg grating sensors"
Jelmer David Meuleman (IOS): "Anomalous supercontinuum generation in Al-based integrated photonic platforms"
Timon Vreman (COPS): "Enhanced Spontaneous Emission of PbS Quantum Dots in 3D Photonic Band Gap Crystals"
Elena Giammatteo (MACS): "A numerical method for the Helmholtz equation"
Daan de Ruiter (AQO): "Measuring Polarization Mode Dispersion in Single-Mode Fibers Using Hong-Ou-Mandel-like Interference"
Kaixuan Ye (NLNP): "Surface acoustic wave Brillouin scattering in thin-film lithium niobate waveguides"
Swapnil Mache (BMPI): "WaveSim wave propagation solver for simulations of arbitrary size"
- 2023
Roel Burgwal (TU/e): "Nonlinear optomechanics in coupled nanoscale resonators"
Kai Wang (IOS): "High power amplifiers and Q-switched laser using Tm3+:Al2O3"October
Anzal Memon (LPNO): "Using hybrid integrated InP-Si3N4 diode lasers for the generation of optical frequency combs"
Femi Ojambati (NBP): "Observation of vibrational states of proteins in a nanophotonic environment"September
Carl Ulrich (Charlie) Mattschas (AQO): "Inverse solving the Schrödinger equation for active cavity stabilization"
Natthajuks (Besto) Pholsen (Tokyo): "Generation of On-Demand Coherent Single Photons for Scalable Quantum Information Processing"May
Ivana Lin (HMOE): "Seeing Metal-Molecule Interactions with NanoPlasmonics"
Karindra Perrier (Utrecht University): "Programmed all-optical switching in multistable photonic molecule with thermo-optical nonlinearity"April
Devin Smith (Quix): "Towards universal quantum computing with photonics"
Gert-willem Römer (LP): "Laser-induced Periodic Surface Structures (LIPSS)"March
Carlos Osornio Martinez (IOS): " High power amplifiers using Er3+:Al2O3 – Si3N4 multi-layer integration for Lidar applications"
Raymond Oudeboom: "A new Building, who, why, what, where, how"February
Roel Botter (NLNP): "Stimulated Brillouin scattering in tellurite covered silicon nitride waveguides"
Hosein Ghobadi (OS): "Large and ultrafast nonlinear refraction of transparent conducting oxides in the epsilon-near-zero spectral region"January
Alfredo Soriano Rates (COPS): "Scrambled and Unscrambled Optical Speckle with Multiple Scattering Layers: Applications to Optical Wireless Communication"
Bjorn Jongebloed (IOS): "Grating Engineering for Self-Referenced Al2O3 Microring Resonator Sensors" - 2022
Ata Chizari (BMPI): “Study of movement artefacts in handheld laser speckle contrast perfusion imaging”
Marek Kozon (COPS & MACS): “Scaling Theory of Wave Confinement in Classical and Quantum Periodic Systems”November
Daniël Cox (BMPI): “Inverse Ray Tracing for Improving Microscopy through Curved Interfaces”
Melissa Goodwin (COPS & MESA+ Nanolab): “Etching in 3D - how to make photonic crystals”October
Daniel Jauregui (OS): “Reflection-based Optical Fiber Strain Sensors”
Sudhir Saini (AQO): “Light transport in mirror-symmetric multiple scattering media”September
Sonia Garcia-Blanco (IOS): “Aluvia: enabling chips in the UV”
Haider Zia (LPNO): “Launching of superlight photonics: Current state, goals, directions”June
Jacob Seifert (Utrecht University): “Measuring objects with optimal precision by ptychography”
Dawson Bonneville (OS): “Low-cost and versatile fabrication of Si compatible photonic integrated circuits for hybrid waveguide amplifiers, lasers and sensors”May
Anneirudh Sundararajan (IDS): “An integrated optical readout approach to existing micro-Coriolis mass flow sensor”
Malaquias Correa Anguita (AQO): “Certification of boson sampling experiments”March
Albert van Rees (LPNO): “Long-term frequency stabilization of a hybrid-integrated diode laser”
Daniël Cox (BMPI): “Inverse Ray Tracing for improving Microscopy”February
Yujia Kong (OS): “3D printed on-chip parabolic mirror for chip-to-fiber and chip-to-chip coupling”
Lars Corbijn van Willenswaard (SACS): “Physics of real 3D photonic band gap crystal computed from ab initio”January
Nasim Rezaei (IMS): "Opto-electrical modelling of CIGS solar cells"
Gert-Willem Römer (LP): "Laser-processing and subsequent etching of sapphire" - 2021
Shweta Pal (IMS): “A General Framework for Assessing and Designing Ground Reflectors For Enhanced Bifacial Photovoltaic Output”
Carlos Pérez Arancibia (MACS): “Toward accurate and efficient boundary integral equation methods for metasurface inverse design”November
Ozan Akdemir (COPS): "Breakdown of light transport models in photonic scattering slabs"
David Marpaung (NLNP-LPNO): "SBS in multilayer silicon nitride waveguides"October
Alfredo Rates Soriano (COPS): “Enhanced transparency in strongly scattering media”
Kai Wang (OS): “Low stress Si3N4 waveguides on sapphire substrate"September
Max Timmerkamp (University of Münster): “Frequency Generation by Intermodal Dispersive Wave Generation”
Melissa Goodwin (COPS): “Optimising the etching of nanopores for photonic crystals"June
Marina Castro Guerrero (SensUS): “Detection of Influenza using surface chemistry on integrated on-chip optical sensors”
Akhil Kallepalli (Glasgow): “Biophotonics, single-pixel imaging and the road ahead – An inter-disciplinary perspective”May
Chris Nijhuis (HMOE): "Plasmonic Tunnel Junctions: Playing with light at the Nanoscale"
Frank Somhorst (AQO): "Thermalization on an Integrated Programmable Photonic Processor"April
Bert Bastiaens (LPNO): "Broadband optical frequency comb generation using hybrid integrated InP-Si3N4 diode lasers”
Chris Toebes (AQO): "Photon Bose-Einstein condensation under controlled dissipation and feedback"March
Robin Buijs (AMOLF): "Plasmon-induced trap state emission excited by efficient two-photon absorption”
Ward Hendriks (OS): "Poly-crystalline low-loss aluminium oxide waveguides"February
Femi Ojambati (NPB / COPS): "Plasmon-induced trap state emission excited by efficient two-photon absorption”
Gaojian Liu (NLNP-LPNO): "Reducing nonlinear distortions in a photonic link using ring resonators"January
Frans Segerink (OS): "Working with lasers, safety assesments and practical solutions"
- 2020
Ozan Çirkinoglu (Eindhoven): "An InP based monolithically integrated modulated coherent state source for differential phase shift quantum key distribution"
Ozan Akdemir (COPS): "Modeling Light Transport in Complex Media"November
Tom Knop (BMPI): "Introduction to the Life Cell Imaging Facility"
Haider Zia (LPNO): "Pulse compression in sign-alternated dispersion waveguides"October
Gerwin Osnabrugge (BMPI): “How to turn your walls into concave mirrors for non-line-of-sight LiFi”
Reinier van der Meer (AQO): “How to get many modes in thin optical systems”September
Okky Daulay (Nonlinear Nanophotonics-LPNO): “Microwave Photonic Notch Filter with Integrated Modulation Transformation and Optical Carrier Suppression”
Max Kiewiet (NLNP-LPNO): “On-Chip (Quasi) Light Storage in Long-Lived Acoustic Phonons”June
Marek Kozon (COPS): "Scaling approach to superlattice confinement".
Abhilash Thendiyammal (BMPI): "Model-based wavefront shaping microscopy".May
Mario Vretenar (COPS): "Controllable Josephson junction for photon Bose-Einstein condensates"
Herman Offerhaus (OS): "CARS, spontaneous Raman and the Jablonski diagram"April
Ivo Hegeman (OS): "Process optimization for TiO2 waveguides"
Xin Guo (LPNO): “Silicon Microwave Photonics Modulation Transformer”February
Jeroen Bosch (Utrecht): “Universal spectral properties of transmission channels in multiple scattering media”
Willem Vos (COPS): “Reflectivity of Finite 3D Photonic Band Gap Crystals”January
Jelmer Renema (COPS): “Is your boson sampler working? – Testing interference using maximum likelihood methods”
Kees Franken (LPNO): "First realization of a hybrid integrated diode laser in the visible spectral range" - 2019
Hasib Mustafa (MS3): “Laser Induced Preferential Crystal (re)Orientation of Zinc”.
Martijn de Sterke (Guest): “Pure Quartic Solitons and their application in fiber lasers”.November
Carlijn van Emmerik (OS): “Integration of single layer active-passive Al2O3 on wafer level”.
Yuchen Xu (OS): “Coupling of 3D printed micro-lens with waveguides”.October
Yvan Klaver (LPNO): “Kerr frequency comb generation with Si3N4 micro-ring resonators”.
Daniël Cox (BMPI): “Microscopic Phase Contrast Tomograhy”.September
Matthijs Velsink (COPS): “Time-domain wavefront shaping for secure communication”.
Raimond Frentrop (OS): “In-Depth structural analysis of swift heavy ion irradiation in KY(WO4)2 for fabrication of planar optical waveguides”.May
Mario Vretenar (COPS): “Towards analog simulation of magnets and a coherent network computer”.
Martijn Stok (OS): “Sputter deposition for optical quality aluminium oxide layers”.April
Lantian Chang (OS): “Micro ring laser cavity design for biosensing”.
Mathias Schlottbom (MACS): “Accelerating image reconstruction techniques in fluorescence optical tomography”.March
Maura Dantuma (BMPI): “The development of a semi-anthropomorphic photoacoustic breast phantom”.
Haider Zia (LPNO): “Overcoming power scaling laws in the supercontinuum generation process”.February
Jan Klaers (COPS): “A cooler computer”.
Michiel de Goede (OS): “Microring gratings for self-referenced biosensing”.January
Frans Segerink (OS): “Working with lasers, safety assessments and practical solutions”.
- 2018
Ad Lagendijk (COPS): “Finite-size scaling of the density of states in photonic band gap crystals”.
Ward Hendriks (OS): “Design of a self-referencing biosensor”.
Manashee Adhikary (COPS): “Sending light deep inside opaque photonic crystals”.
Simen Martinussen (OS): “Design of pedestal disk resonators in KY(WO4)2 for Kerr frequency combs”.
Juan Wang (BIOS): “Microfluidic Construction of Composite Superballs with PBG and SPR Properties”.
Jelmer Renema (COPS): “The hardness of boson sampling with imperfections“.
Jin-Feng Mu (OS): “Monolithic Integration of Al2O3 and Si3N4 for double-layer active-passive photonic platform”
Jan Klärs (COPS): “Tunable networks of coupled photon Bose-Einstein condensates“
Jesse Mak (LPNO): ““Cartesian” light: Unconventional propagation of light in a 3D crystal of photonic-band-gap cavities”
Chris van de Stadt (COPS): “Effectively Transparent Contacts on Concentrator Photovoltaic cells – towards record efficiency multijunction solar cells”
Sjoerd Hack (COPS/MACS): ““Cartesian” light: Unconventional propagation of light in a 3D crystal of photonic-band-gap cavities”
Raimond Frentrop (OS): “High-contrast slab waveguide fabrication in KY(WO4)2 by swift heavy ion irradiation”
Florian Schepers (University of Muenster): “Beyond the Fundamental Mode – Tailoring Light Within Lasers”
Simen Martinussen (OS): “Pedestal disk in potassium yttrium double tungstate”
Matthias Feinäugle (Laser Processing): “Laser-induced Forward Transfer (LIFT)”
Evangelos Marakis (COPS): “Deterministic scattering media with direct laser writing”
Caterina Taballione (LPNO): “Integrated Linear Optical Processor Based On Silicon Nitride Waveguides”
Devashish (COPS): “Cavity resonances in a 3D photonic band gap crystal with finite support - 2017
Colin Veenstra (BMPI): “Quantification of Bilirubin concentration by spectroscopic optical coherence tomography”
Wooje Lee (OS): “'Characterization of Extracellular Vesicles for Cancer detection”
Ata Chizari (BMPI): “Laser Speckles and Microcirculatory Perfusion Imaging”
Jesse Mak (LPNO): “An approach for on-chip optical isolation using surface acoustic waves”
Maryna Meretska (COPS): “Systematic design of the color point of a white LED”
David Thompson (BMPI): “Developing Laser-Induced Ultrasound Tomography”
Pepijn Pinkse (COPS): “Random space fillings for deterministic multiple-scattering materials”
Lantian Chang (MCBP): “Geometry and temperature dependent light emission in a Raman microscope”
Slava Medvedev (XUV): “Tailoring spectral properties of Extreme UV multilayer optics”
Elena Beletkaia (OS): ”CARS Against Breast Cancer"
Caterina Taddei (LPNO): “Hybrid Integrated Beamforming Network”.
Ivo Vellekoop (BMPI): "Time-Reversing a Handful of Photons"
Tristan Tentrup (COPS): “Large-Alphabet Quantum Key Distribution Using Spatially Encoded Light”.
Marco Porcel (LPNO): "Second harmonic generation in amorphous silicon nitride waveguides"
Mehdi Aas (COPS): "Dynamics of light transmission from slabs of random scatterers with different optical thicknesses."
Michiel de Goede (OS): "Al2O3 microring resonators for sensing applications"