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First LEAF-accreditations for sustainable labs awarded at UT

The SLT-Biolab in Carré and NBP Microscopy lab in Zuidhorst are the first laboratoria at UT to achieve the LEAF Bronze accreditation. LEAF, which stands for Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework, provides guidelines for more sustainable practices in laboratories. The LEAF initiative is part of a broader plan at the University of Twente, aimed at making all laboratories more sustainable. 

Jet Stegge, Lab Technician at the SLT-biolab, stated: "We were already on the right track, but the LEAF accreditation provided us with valuable inspiration to further refine our existing processes. On to the next accreditation!" Similarly, the NBP Microscopy Lab also earned their Bronze accreditation. Robert Molenaar, Research Engineer: "Based on our own experience, we were already working on energy savings in the lab, for instance. LEAF helped us see the 'bigger picture' in terms of general lab sustainability. We hope to take even more steps in the future!" 

Sustainable lab coordinator Rolf Slaats hands out the certificates to Jet Stegge and Robert Molenaar 

What is LEAF? 

The idea behind LEAF is that laboratories work towards achieving Bronze, Silver, and ultimately Gold accreditation through a series of challenges. These accreditations come with increasing levels of difficulty but also result in significant savings in costs and reductions in the CO₂ footprint of the lab. Raising awareness and building a collaborative community are crucial elements in this effort.  

Many research institutions in the Netherlands are already working with LEAF, united in Green Labs NL. In the United Kingdom, where LEAF was developed, labs were able to save an average of £2,600 per year by working more efficiently. More information can be found on the  UCL website. 

The program was presented to the technical staff network of the Science and Technology faculty and received positive feedback. At our university, all labs in the Zuidhorst building have enrolled in the program as a pilot, along with two labs in the Carré building (the SLT-biolab and the BIOS-lab-on-a-Chip group). 

Interested in participating? 

Participation in the program is free for all research groups, as the university covers the costs of an institution-wide license. The workload is flexible and can be determined by the users themselves. Typically, one or two LEAF users per research group or lab are responsible for working towards meeting the criteria at their own pace. LEAF users from neighboring groups come together to share inspiration and support each other, ensuring that they do not have to reinvent the wheel. 

Interested in LEAF or want to participate? Contact Birgit Dragtstra or email sustainability@utwente.nl for more information!