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Duration: 3:48

This is why there are holes in your raincoat

How does your raincoat stop rain while letting your sweat through? This is due to the special properties of the fabric and design. In this video, UT professor Wiebe de Vos explains how this works.

Photo of UT Stories Editorial Team
UT Stories Editorial Team

Maybe you've worn a bad raincoat before. You might not get wet from the rain, but it turns into a dirty sweat coat after a little walk. That's because the raincoat doesn't breathe properly.

Now you can poke several holes in the raincoat, but then it no longer protects you against rain. You need one-way holes. "It seems impossible," says Wiebe de Vos, "but it can be done with a membrane!"

Want to discover exactly how membranes stop rain but let your sweat pass through? Then watch this episode of 'Legt Uit' from the University of the Netherlands.

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