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Podcast #1: The human-machine interaction expert

Explore the future in our podcast series, "My Future Dream Job," where Anic van Damme guides you to the year 2030. Our scientists explore prospective careers in cybersecurity, climate adaptation, and energy transition. Listen in to gain insights into the professions taking shape at the University of Twente.

The human-machine interaction expert

Let’s kick off this series by diving into the Human Resources field together with Tanya Bondarouk, chair of the Human Resources department of the University of Twente. Bondarouk gives us insights into the future of HRM, including how we might work alongside social robots in our teams. It's a futuristic idea that really sparks the imagination!

Professor Tanya Bondarouk also talks about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will shape HR by 2030. Imagine a team where humans and technology work together seamlessly, boosting teamwork between people and robots. It's a fascinating glimpse into how work might look in the future.

But, as we embrace all these exciting changes, we can't forget about ethics. How do we make sure that as we advance, we keep humanity and ethical standards at the forefront in a world driven by data?

Joining the conversation, Professor Mark van der Meijde and education advisor Anne Muller introduce a new HR tool. This tool is designed to recognize the diverse contributions people make beyond just traditional research metrics. It's a groundbreaking idea that could completely change the way we rate and reward impact in the world of academia.

Tune in to discover how these discussions shape the future of Human Resources and impact your career journey. Gain insights into the evolving landscape of HR professions and prepare yourself for the opportunities that await in your future!

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