
A pricey cup of coffee Science Cafe Enschede

Cup of coffee for five euros, cappuccino for a tenner... coffee prices keep rising. We as consumers notice this in our wallets, but the real pain is felt by the producers, the coffee farmers. Climate change is the culprit: coffee beans are extremely sensitive. Too dry, wet, cold, hot or extremely variable weather? Then the harvest falls short. Farmers become even poorer. Bregje Deben (De Koffieschool) talks about coffee culture and the global economy. Prof dr ir Ellen Kampman (Wageningen University) investigates the link between nutrition and cancer. Coffee contains substances that can promote and prevent cancer. The method of brewing coffee is important here. Better filter coffee than espresso. With a tasting of coldbrew Arabica and Robusta. 

Talk show host: Hiska Bakker (Studium Generale UT) 

In Dutch language


A. Heukels (Anneke)
Supporting staff