
Are you addicted? Performance

Longing for ‘meow meow’ (not the cat but the designer drug)? Drinking litres of beer? Working nonstop? Addiction comes in many forms. What is it actually? Psychiatrist Bram Bakker and his son and comedian Fimme Bakker explore that in this performance. Bram Bakker was never dependent on booze or drugs. For decades, he tried to rescue addicts, until he discovered that he himself might be addicted to attention. Fimme Bakker suffers from the familial tendency to use stimulants unwisely. As a comedian, he likes to joke about this. He won the Groninger Student Cabaret Festival in 2023. An evening with hard humour and compassion. With Student Union.

Performance in Dutch


A. Heukels (Anneke)
Supporting staff