UTStudium GeneraleProgramme / ScheduleA new Milkyway: from cow to soybean

A new Milkyway: from cow to soybean

Together with his brother, Twente farmer Tom Grobben MSc changed tack: their pastures became fields for soybeans. Under the name The New Milk Farmer, they produce plant-based soy milk. So with them, you see the protein transition from animal to vegetable proteins in practice. That change did not always prove easy. Dr Chris de Visser (Wageningen University) researches sustainable solutions in agriculture and animal husbandry. Talkshow host: Drs Hiska Bakker (SG). In cooperation with Scientists4Future-Twente and Green Hub Twente. This Science Café is in Dutch, click here for more information.


A. Heukels (Anneke)
Supporting staff