Europe faces a dilemma: militarisation or a transition to civil security? Ralf Becker (Coordinator of the German campaign Sicherheit Neu Denken) believes military-based security won’t bring sustainable security in Europe. Instead, he proposes civil security based on e.g. diplomacy and economic support for the weaker neighbours of the EU. Becker also advocates a security partnership with Russia. Colonel dr. Han Bouwmeester (Associate Professor Military Strategy and Land Warfare, Netherlands Defence Academy) is specialised in Russia’s deception warfare and will debate with Becker. What would happen if Russia were to mislead us? Introduction + moderation: prof. dr. Ramses Wessel (Vice Dean and Professor of European Law, University of Groningen). In cooperation with Enschede for Peace, Novel-T SMART and Sirius.
You can find the link for the livestream here.