A software development project ontology

MASTER Assignment

A software development project ontology

Type : Master M-BIT

Period: Jan, 2022 - Aug, 2022

Student : m.j.f.jacobs@student.utwente.nl

Date Final project: Aug 30, 2022




The purpose of this research was to explore the possibility to recommend programming languages/frameworks to be used in a Software Development Project using ontology reasoning, given a certain set of expected project quality attributes and a set of information about the developers’ team. The artifact developed in this research is the ontology itself. This research is performed in collaboration with the Judicial Information Service (Justid). The SABiO Development Process is used to develop the ontology. To develop the ontology three tools have been used, (1) Visual Paradigm, (2) OntoUML, and (3) Protégé, to evaluate the ontology three tools were used as well, (1) the Protégé Reasoner, (2) Query testing, and (3) OOPS!. Next to this, two interviews were performed, one with Justid, and one with an ontology expert. This research found that it is possible to recommend programming languages/frameworks using ontology reasoning. The main stakeholder, Justid, found that in general the listed requirements were met sufficiently. In both interviews several improvement points were noted, of which the main improvement is to extend the level of detail in the developed ontology. This is one of the future works, as well as for example using this ontology to recommend a development team.