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Agile Development of Applications as a Medical Device in a small Enterprise

MASTER Assignment

Agile development of applications as a medical device in a small enterprise

Type : Master M-BIT

Period: Jan, 2021 - Aug, 2021

Student : Veen, R. van der (Remco, Student M-BIT)

Date Final project: Aug 18, 2021




For micro- and small-sized enterprises developing software in the medical device industry, it is challenging to comply to regulations and standards. This research proposes a method to simplify documentation, tool usage and development lifecycle for micro- and small-sized enterprises, by keeping overhead to a minimum while still complying to regulations and standards. We do this by adapting an agile method tailored to the safety-critical industry, called SafeScrum. The method is operationalized and implemented into a micro-sized enterprise using Action Design Research, after which adjustments are made. We conclude that the method provides promising results for micro-sized enterprises wanting to develop software in lower risk classes. More evidence is necessary to give conclusive results.