Digital Transformation in conditions of pandemic

MASTER Assignment

Digital transformation in conditions of pandemic

Type : Master M-BIT

Period: Oct, 2020 - May, 2021

Student : Yakushkina, D. (Daria, Student M-BIT)

Date Final project: May 31, 2021




In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the Netherlands to apply a smart lockdown. In turn, businesses had to accelerate the transition to digital technology significantly. Despite the tremendous efforts and significant achievements of many enterprises, the pandemic exposed the many ways in which companies are vulnerable in the crisis situation. For many firms, the most important option to stimulate their businesses turned out to be the digital transformation. This means moving from active experimentation to active scale-up. Despite the enormous challenges that businesses face today, they realize that it is high time to act and focus on new strategies and principles to adapt to a changing environment. This thesis is dedicated to the phenomenon of digital transformation in the time of pandemics. The goal of the thesis is to develop a model for a Dutch company, namely SODAQ B.V., to perform a digital transformation initiative in conditions of the pandemic. This model is supposed to help SODAQ and other companies comparable to SODAQ, to go through the digital transformation process during a pandemic while openly facing some pandemic-context-specific challenges.