Dieuwertje Alblas - MIA
Christian Amend - MIA
Riccardo Bardin - MACS
Vincent Bosboom - MACS
Giacomo Cristinelli - MIA
Sven Dummer - MIA
Elena Giamatteo - MACS
Leonardo del Grande - MIA
source: http://www.malinc.se/math/trigonometry/geocentrismen.php - Heeringa - MIA
Lucas Jansen Klomp - MIA
Muhammad Hamza Khalid - MACS
Nishant Kumar - MACS
Kaifang Liu - MACS
Xiangyi Meng - MACS
Floor van Maarschalkerwaart - MIA
Nida Mir - MIA / MDI-TNW
Hongliang Mu - MAST
Kevin Redosado - 3MS
Julian Suk - MIA
Hannah van Susteren - MIA
Johanna Tengler - MIA
Mei Vaish - MIA
Jens de Vries - MAST
Weihao Yan - MIA
Alexander Wierzba - MAST
Fengna Yan - MACS

Inverse problems, data assimilation and optimal transport on graphs

Inverse problems and imaging have many real-world applications, such as medicine or seismics. Established approaches for their solution are often either model-based or data-based. While model-based approaches are amenable to mathematical analysis, data-based approaches directly relate to the inverse problem at hand and become more useful with the availability of big data sets. This research combines the advantages of both approaches with the aim to develop more accurate, complete and efficient solvers for inverse problems. Particular topics of our research include nonlocal regularization, data assimilation, neural networks, and optimal transport on graphs

People working on this subject within MCS are:


Post Doc / PhD