Dieuwertje Alblas - MIA
Christian Amend - MIA
Riccardo Bardin - MACS
Vincent Bosboom - MACS
Giacomo Cristinelli - MIA
Sven Dummer - MIA
Elena Giamatteo - MACS
Leonardo del Grande - MIA
source: http://www.malinc.se/math/trigonometry/geocentrismen.php - Heeringa - MIA
Lucas Jansen Klomp - MIA
Muhammad Hamza Khalid - MACS
Nishant Kumar - MACS
Kaifang Liu - MACS
Xiangyi Meng - MACS
Floor van Maarschalkerwaart - MIA
Nida Mir - MIA / MDI-TNW
Hongliang Mu - MAST
Kevin Redosado - 3MS
Julian Suk - MIA
Hannah van Susteren - MIA
Johanna Tengler - MIA
Mei Vaish - MIA
Jens de Vries - MAST
Weihao Yan - MIA
Alexander Wierzba - MAST
Fengna Yan - MACS

Control of partial differential equations.

There is a growing need for controller design techniques for systems described by partial differential equations. For instance, for suppression of vibrations in large wings of a windmill or in the wafer stage. In order to develop these techniques, mathematical and physical insight in the models is needed. Port-Hamiltonian models capture the underlying physics, and have at the same time good mathematical properties. The coming years the work on controller design for this class of system will be further extended to non-linear and to descriptor systems, i.e., implicit partial differential equations. Of course for the implementation and testing of the designed controller the results and tools from topic 1 (Structure preserving numerical discretization) will be used.

People working on this subject within MCS are:


Post Doc / PhD / Young Researcher