UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsFormal Methods and ToolsGroup colloquiumRedesigning the course 'Programming Principles, Patterns, and Processes'

Redesigning the course 'Programming Principles, Patterns, and Processes' by Petra van den Bos (Assistant Professor in FMT)

I will present you my ideas for teaching the course "Programming Principles, Patterns, and Processes". It is a core course of the  Software Technology master, addressing several topics in software engineering. I will teach it, for the first time, in quartile 4 of this year. During the presentation, I'm interested in getting some feedback and input from you (note: you don't have to be a teacher, feedback at any level is welcome). This will help me to improve and finish my plans for the course. So please join my presentation if in any way you are interested or curious about this course!