UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsFormal Methods and ToolsGroup colloquiumFrom machines to people: History, Present, and Future of Software Development, and a little bit of how to get there

From machines to people: History, Present, and Future of Software Development, and a little bit of how to get there by Robert Deckers, PhD Student (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Abstract: The history of software development is dominated by the computer. Developers have been serving the machine, and their activities are focused on creating executables for user functionality. This paradigm is an important cause of today’s software problems like insufficient quality and inefficient development processes. Software realization should focus more on people instead of on machines. Development tools and methods must support human expertise and cooperation, by enabling people to use their own language, and enabling the integration of their knowledge. This vision seems far away from today’s practice, but some techniques and principles are turning the wheel. This presentation will focus on explaining the vision and at the end introduce the relevant research questions and preliminary results of the ongoing PhD project that is centred around the vision.