UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsFormal Methods and ToolsGroup colloquiumtourPlanner, UT-GO! - Location-based AR game, Interactive Gamified Student Portfolio, Team-Based Learning Application

tourPlanner, UT-GO! - Location-based AR game, Interactive Gamified Student Portfolio, Team-Based Learning Application by various students

The aim of this project is to design and implement an android app to help our customers to plan, share, discuss and vote for the trip.
This paper covers the design process behind UT-GO!, a location-based Augmented Reality (AR) game that's being developed for the FMT group at the University of Twente. The main goal of this project is to connect new students with each other and the campus. This is being done because many study associations and faculties within the UT have determined that the integration of new students, especially internationals, has to be improved. To achieve this, our game connects students using team-based, competitive game play. Furthermore, it integrates students with life on campus using different, mystery themed, story lines.
Our Canvas plugin introduces a measure of gamification to allow students to track their progress by way of badges and titles granted to them throughout their study and also encourages them to perform better to upgrade/get better badges. This will also be a portal where teachers can assign these badges to students and perform other administrative tasks regarding the badges and titles. 
For the University of Twente as an adopter of the Twente Educational Model, teams, collaboration and independence are the key elements in a study programme. The Team-Based Learning (TBL) methodology is a highly structured form of small-group learning which is gaining a lot of popularity recently through evidence and positive results. The core of TBL is designed around collaborative work and makes students responsible for their own learning process and therefore UT teachers want to apply TBL in their classes. Having a digital TBL platform integrated within the existing platform (Canvas) is needed, which is exactly what our project offers.