ENIAC thesis award for Jerre Starink

The jury agreed that all the nominations were of excellent quality, which made us proud of the work that is being performed by our Master students. The nominated theses are quite diverse in terms of their application areas, techniques and methodologies. Presentation of their work demonstrates the experience of the authors. Overall, this means that the selection of the award-winning thesis is far from trivial. After evaluating the theses for technical/scientific debt, societal relevance and potential impact of the thesis, the jury selected Jerre Starink as winner of the ENIAC thesis award 2021-2022!

The thesis is entitled `Analysis and Automated Detection of Host-Based Code Injection Techniques in Malware` and has resulted in a peer-reviewed publication. The thesis dives into the taxonomy of code injection, explaining the different methods in use by malware for code injection in processes. The text is clearly written and properly illustrated with figures and diagrams. This makes it accessible for computer scientists, even those unfamiliar with cybersecurity.

Jerre demonstrates in-depth knowledge of the different techniques used and communicates this clearly to the reader, even for those unfamiliar with the subject. Evaluation of ~3500 real-world samples use methods to track and observe system/API-calls. Next to explaining the findings, Jerre clarifies the limitations of the current work. Great and clear writing style used in the thesis.
