Student Help

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I get access to a Grasple course?

    You first have to sign-up for your specific Grasple course. This is done by clicking on the sign-up link on your Canvas Mathline page (e.g. the MATH page for Calculus 1A or Calculus 2)



    Please be aware to select the correct link before signing in! 
    See an example of this notification below. (not-clickable)

    Your utwente account then will be synchronised with your Grasple account and you immediately will be enrolled in the corresponding Grasple mathline page.

  • When I logon to Grasple I don’t see a course. What should I do?

    Although all students at our university might access Grasple, you first should sign-up for a specific Grasple course to get access to it. Look at the question “How can I get access to a Grasple course?” how to do this.

  • How do I enter answers to exercises in Grasple?

    Each math Grasple course starts with the subject “Introduction to Grasple”. In this subject you will learn how to use the editor to enter your answers.

  • I have a question about an exercise in Grasple. Where can I get help?

    First, try to make use of the feedback by Grasple. If this doesn’t help, ask your teacher. For questions about the Diagnostic tests, enter your questions in the course Discussions tab of your math course page on Canvas. They will be answered by teaching assistants.

  • I found an error or shortcoming in a Grasple item. Who should I contact?

    Please send an email to containing the name of the Grasple course, the name of the Grasple subject, a screenshot of the exercise, and an explanation of the error. 

  • I have technical issues when using Grasple (e.g.browser problems). Where can I get help?

    In case of technical issues that occur with regards to your device, contact the Notebook Service Centre (NSC). If you purchased the laptop from the NSC, they have an obligation to help you. If you purchased your laptop elsewhere try the Grasple Help pages.  

  • How can I pass a subject (node gets green)?

    This depends on the mode that is set for the subject: “fixed order” or “adaptive order”.

    In fixed order Grasple shows you all exercises in the subject in a fixed order, and you should do them all to finish the subject (node). You have passed the subject, when you scored at least 80% of the subject and the node gets green.

    In fixed order all exercises in the subject are represented by a bullet:

    In adaptive order, Grasple offers you per subject randomly as many exercises as needed until you have answered (default) 5 correctly (or less if there are less than 5 exercises in the subject). Then you have passed the subject and the node in the tree gets green.

    In adaptive order Grasple shows your score out of the minimum score to pass:

  • I would like to do extra Homework exercises in Grasple. What can I do?

    This depends on whether you already have finished or passed the subject: 

    • If you want to finish a subject, click on “Continue practicing” to start the subject where you had left.
      In fixed order Grasple will show you the rest of this same set of exercises in fixed order. In adaptive order however Grasple will start with the last wrongly answered exercise in this subject, followed by only those exercises that you didn't get before.
    • If you want to practice more with certain subject, click on “Practice now”.
      In fixed order Grasple will restart the subject with exactly the same set of exercises in the same fixed order. In adaptive order however Grasple will show a different set of exercises or if you have answered all available exercises, you will receive the ones which you struggled with most.

    Look at the question “How many exercises should I answer correctly to pass a subject?” to find out whether a subject is fixed order or adaptive.  

Introduction to Grasple

Grasple is the online learning environment that is used in the Mathematics Line for mastering concepts and skills in several mathematical subjects. There you will find homework exercises and at the end of each week a diagnostic test that you can use to test yourself. These exercises supplement the exercises of the tutorials and self-studies and are not obligatory.

Signing up for your Grasple course

You can’t make use of Grasple without signing up for a particular Grasple course. To sign-up, go to your Canvas Mathline page. There you will find a link called: “Sign-up: Grasple Course for XXX” with further instructions.

Homework and Diagnostic Tests

At the start of the week, there is a lecture. The tutorials, self-studies and the Grasple homework and (diagnostic) test that follow are based on the content of this lecture.

These Grasple assignments don't have deadlines nor restrictions in the number of attempts. The Grasple (Basics) Homework is intended for mastering basic concepts and skills, and will often be adaptive to the level of the student (you have to master at least e.g. 5 exercises per subject to pass, you may retry a subject as often as you want). The Diagnostic Tests however generally represent exam level.

Look under FAQ at the question  “How many exercises should I answer correctly to pass a subject?” to find out whether a subject is fixed order or adaptive.

How to prepare for using grasple

Grasple can be used on many types of devices (like laptops, tablets and smartphones) and only needs an Internet browser to be installed.
Each Grasple course starts with a subject called “Grasple Introduction”. It is highly advised to work through this subject to understand how to input your answers correctly into the system. 


In case of technical issues that occur with regards to your device, contact the Notebook Service Centre (NSC). If you purchased the laptop from the NSC, they should help you. For other questions check the table below:

Getting an account/access

Login problems

Grasple help pages  

Questions about Grasple courses

Your teacher

Questions about Grasple exercises

Your teacher

Technical support (e.g. browser problems)  

Notebook Service Centre (NSC)

Bugs and technical issues or