UTECIU collaborationECIU Staff Days

ECIU Staff Days

ECIU UNIVERSITY STAFF DAYS: Inspire, connect, innovate 

We invite you to come to The University of Twente and participate in the ECIU University Staff Days from 20-22 November 2024. For 2.5 days, we will be providing a space for both teachers and support staff from across the ECIU University member universities to collaborate in the creation of Educational Learning Opportunities (ELOs). These modules will tie in with Challenge-Based Learning (CBL), our main innovative educational pedagogy. They will be related to the following topics (each participant will choose 1 ELO to co-create):

Four modules

Sustainable Campus Innovation Challenge, ELO-holder Svenja Damberg 

The overarching theme will be "Sustainable Campus," encouraging smaller innovations within teams. The challenge will apply "responsible futuring," an adapted version of design thinking. Finally, prototypes developed during the challenge will be presented to representatives from the partner universities. 

CBL for the redevelopment of a campus environment, ELO-holder: Ana-Mafalda Madureira 

The UT campus is bordering the mixed-use neighbourhood of Twekkelerveld. The municipality is currently redeveloping this area and there is an opportunity for the connection between campus and Twekkelerveld to be strengthened. The CBL project would explore how the connection between the two areas can be strengthened in terms of, for example, center/hub development, accessibility, sharing of services, types of housing development, transportation, etc. 

Citizen Science for co-production of Urban Governance research, ELO-holder: Igor Pessoa 

This ELO will focus on how citizen science can play an important role in fostering co-production research between academics, citizens and public institutions in urban contexts. In a time of post-truth and high distrust in public institutions, co-production research becomes more challenging, but at the same time more necessary. The ELO aims to go beyond using citizens to perform simple scientific supporting tasks, like collecting data or validating results. It aims to explore the possibilities of training co-production research and embraces citizen participation in core processes of scientific research. 

Using wicked problems as challenges to unite students from a diverse group of academic backgrounds, ELO-holder Jasper Homminga

Typically the grand challenges that we face are also wicked problems: they have no single cause and can thus not be solved by a single intervention. This potentially makes such wicked problems an ideal challenge to unite students from different academic and cultural backgrounds. We have used such wicked problems in the education in our University College Twente and are interested in investigating if and how this could be implemented in an ECIU setting: uniting academic backgrounds, uniting universities, uniting countries, uniting cultures.

Text continues below photo.

The programme will step-by-step guide you through the entire process of developing the ELOs. The days follow the process of the CBL-stages: day 1 Engage, day 2 Investigate, day 3 Act.  After 3 months, there will be an online follow-up session to facilitate implementation of the ELOs in the foreseeable future. 

Our comprehensive programme features:
  • Jig-saw group discussion
  • Skills Sessions: learner engagement, assessment, e-learning, and working with externals; you can choose two sessions out of the four options
  • Living Library: the speakers here are external stakeholders and students with experience inCBL-processes 
  •  An on-the-spot ELO design session 
  • Networking opportunities 
  • And a fun taste of Dutch culture 

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  • Click here for the full programme


    Day 0: Tuesday, 

    19 Nov 2024 



    18:00-20:00 Arrival/Welcome Drinks 



    Day 1: Wednesday, 

    20 Nov 2024 



    09:00-11:00 – Getting to Know Each Other 

    11:00-13:00 – Introduction to the ELO Topics and the Creation Process 

    13:00-14:00 - Lunch 

    14:00-16:00 – Jig-saw Group Discussion 

    16:00-17:00 – On-campus Treasure Hunt 

    19:30-21:00 – ECIU Dinner (in City Centre) 



    Day 2: Thursday, 

    21 Nov 2024 



    09:00-13:15 – Two Rounds of Skills Sessions 

    13:15-14:15 – Lunch 

    14:15-15:15 – Living Library 

    15:15-15:45 – Reflection on ELO-Creation Process 

    15:45-17:00 – Dutch Games 

    17:00-           – Dinner (to be organised by yourselves) 



    Day 3: Friday, 

    22 Nov 2024 



    09:00-11:30 – ELO-Design Session 

    11:30-12:30 – ELO Presentations 

    12:30-13:00 – Wrap-up of Staff Days 


The selection procedure 

We are inviting 2 participants from each ECIU member university to join us. Colleagues from the UT will participate as well. To ensure a diverse cohort, we adhere to the following guidelines in our selection procedure: 

 The costs 

Included costs: 


Click here to register as a participant of the ECIU Staff Days from Wednesday 20 to Friday 22 November 2024 and answer a few basic questions as part of the process. Be prepared to share a brief motivation as well.  The deadline for registration is 9 September at 12:00 CET (noon). We aim to have notified all candidates regarding the acceptance/rejection of their application by 16 September

Upon acceptance, please contact your local mobility officer to apply for funding. You will also receive a link to our welcome package with all the local information required to make your trip a pleasant one, e.g. accommodation, travel tips, dietary requirements, emergency numbers, etc. 

Please keep visiting this website to stay abreast of any adjustments/updates. 


In case you have questions, please send an e-mail to: Mieke Beurskens: m.j.beurskens@utwente.nl, Pam Huisintveld: p.huisintveld@utwente.nl and Liv Hassinger: o.hassinger@utwente.nl.

We are looking forward to hearing from you! 

The ECIU @ UT Team