UTVrijhof CultureBeginnerst Tournament Pro Deo

Beginnerst Tournament Pro Deo Pro Deo

Improv, who dares?! 

Pro Deo Dares!

On February 8th, from 8:00 PM to 10:30 PM, prepare to be enthralled by the exhilarating world of theater sports. This unique form of entertainment features two teams locked in a battle of wit and creativity, all under the watchful eye of a live audience.

In theater sports, the stage becomes a canvas where scenes are painted with spontaneity and imagination. Everything unfolds in the moment, guided by suggestions from the audience, making each performance a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. Expert judges, stringent yet fair, assess the scenes based on content, technique, and pure entertainment value.

But it's not just a spectator sport – you, the audience, play a vital role. Show your admiration by showering the players with roses, and you might even get the chance to award points to your favorite team. Despite the competitive aspect, winning isn't the sole focus. It's about crafting a captivating and amusing performance that leaves everyone in awe.

Join us on February 8th for an evening of unscripted laughter and unparalleled creativity. Theater sports is more than a competition; it's a celebration of improvisation and the boundless power of the human imagination. Don't miss out on the chance to witness the magic of theater sports live on stage!

Beginnerst Tournament Pro Deo Pro Deo