UTFacultiesBMSDept TPSSTEPSInternational Conference "Tentative Governance in Emerging Science and Technology - Actor Constellations, Institutional Arrangements & Strategies",

International Conference "Tentative Governance in Emerging Science and Technology - Actor Constellations, Institutional Arrangements & Strategies",


The conference is organized by the Institute of Innovation and Governance Studies (IGS) of the University of Twente (http://www.universiteittwente.nl/research/igs). Internationally, the conference will be run as a key event of the European Forum for ‘Studies into Policies for Research and Innovation’ (Eu-SPRI Forum; succeeding the PRIME Network of Excellence; http://www.euspri-forum.eu/).

For emerging science and technology (EST) governance becomes tentative when it is designed as a dynamic process to manage interdependencies and contingencies. Tentative governance aims at creating spaces of openness, probing and learning instead of trying to limit options for actors, institutions and processes. It answers political and organizational complexities with explorative strategies, instead of relying only on orthodox or preservative means.

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