Mechanical Engineering
Module 2: Lectures in the Framework of Sustainability, Stakeholder Analysis (SHA)
The Stakeholder Analysis is a part of the Project Analysis of an Energy System in the ME 2- Energy and Materials. The student is to identify and describe stakeholders and their interests as they are affected by the project and to explain how these considerations influence the technical design choices that the student makes in this project. The lectures introduce methods and graphical analytical tools for use in performing the stakeholder analysis and introduce ethical and philosophical tools to help to anticipate and communicate salient concerns, to be ready to respond to feedback, and ultimately to help ensure that the work results in a better situation for all involved over the long term. Group work involves the methodical use of these tools and concepts in setting out the stakeholder analysis. The student's task will be to provide an analysis of stakeholders arrayed according to interest, influence, investment, and impact. This analysis will be uploaded to Canvas. The Stakeholder Analysis is graded separately from the poster/project exam; it constitutes 25% of the total grade. Note that the Stakeholder Analysis essay is a group mark.
RESTS Teacher: Kornelia Konrad (KiTeS)
Module 6: Interdisciplinary Collaboration
In this joint module for Industrial Design Engineering, Industrial Engineering & Management, and Mechanical Engineering, students are introduced to a taxonomy of interdisciplinarity to stimulate critical reflection on disciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary work. Students learn to better understand the epistemologies of their own disciplines in relation to other scientific fields. In addition, by describing a real lived experience of their own project group, and reflecting on other groups’ experiences, students gain deeper insight into the dynamics that are part of interdisciplinary teamwork.
RESTS Teacher: Andrea Kottmann (KiTeS)
Module 7: Ethics in Engineering
In module 7 students are introduced to relevant aspects of professional ethics, ethical theories, and theories of sustainability. We especially focus on the connection and tension between sustainability and other values. The assignment consists of a short expert report in response to a (fictive) request by a stakeholder to evaluate a product or action related to the module’s project.
RESTS Teachers: Michel Bourban and Michael Nagenborg (Section Philosophy)
Modules 11 & 12: Academic Research & Skills (Societal Embedding of Technology)
In modules 11 & 12 we approach technologies as parts of socio-technical systems including the use, production, and regulatory contexts that are necessary for technologies to work in societal practice. This will lead us to consider what is the broader field of societal actors affected by a technology and we will consider what possible paths lead from a technology to different applications. In module 11 students learn about and apply a set of approaches that help to address these questions. They consider what relevant societal questions relating to a technology linked to their bachelor assignment and choose one as a topic to study further in module 12, which results in a ‘societal embedding’ paper accompanying the research paper that finalizes the bachelor research.
RESTS Teachers: Kornelia Konrad and Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis (KiTeS)