Technical Medicine

Technical Medicine

Module 9: Human Subjects Research Ethics
This course introduces students to the ethical principles guiding the regulation of research with human subjects. Students get an overview of the history of human subject research, reflect on the motivation and justifiability of the research, and learn about the motivation of current guidelines. The course discusses the acceptability of research with human subjects, reflects on questions of informed consent, and on responsibilities in research. Students learn to reflect on human subject research ethics in general, deepen their awareness of the historical background of today’s guidelines, learn how the questions matter for their particular research project, and work on exemplary patient information forms as part of the informed consent process for their project within this module.

RESTS Teacher: Naomi Jacobs (Section Philosophy)

Module 11: Medical Ethics
This module introduces students to the ethical issues, theories, principles, and values associated with the development and use of technologies in and for medicine and medical practice. It focuses on ethical questions raised by the development and use of biomaterials. Students get acquainted with a variety of normative ethical theories (deontology, consequentialism, virtue ethics, and care ethics) as well as Beauchamp and Childress’ well-known principles of medical ethics. During tutorials, students apply the different theories and principles to their own projects. A highlight of the module is the Ethics and Communication Day, where students interact with simulated patients and reflect ethically on this interaction.

RESTS Teachers: Julia Hermann and Naomi Jacobs (Section Philosophy)