Building Capacity for Quality Assurance in the Higher Education System in Mozambique
This project focuses on building the capacity in quality assurance at both the level of the Mozambican National Accreditation and Quality Assurance Council (CNAQ) and at the institutional level to enable successful quality assurance and accreditation in Mozambican higher education. The overall objective of the project is to create the structural and institutional conditions to allow for the effective implementation of the national Quality Assurance and Accreditation system in Mozambique. Results from this project included inter alia improved capacity of CNAQ members (including its council members, Executive Directors and technical staff), trained internal evaluators and the establishment of Quality Support Units (QSUs) in all public higher education institutions, the creation of a nationwide network of Quality Assurance evaluators, support for and compatibility with the implementation of the Credit Accumulation Transfer (CAT) system in the CoHERe project; and the development of a gender equity policy for CNAQ.
The project is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the NICHE programme managed by Nuffic. Contact person for HELM at CHEPS is Leon Cremonini.