Academic Careers and Doctoral Education in Latvia
World Bank Reimbursable Advisory Service on Academic Careers and Doctoral Education in Higher Education in LatviaDASCHE
Developing, assessing and validating social competences in higher education (dasche) - erasmus+ projectDG peer review of Poland
DG Research and Innovation (European Commission) peer review of Poland’s Science and Higher Education systemECIU-LDP project
ECIU Leadership Development ProgrammeHELM
Ethiopian Higher education leadership and management programmeKosovo project
Functional review of the autonomy and funding of higher education in the republic of KosovoOECD review of Portugal
OECD review of the Portuguese Science, Technology and Higher Education SystemPESHES
Development and implementation of a system for performance evaluation for serbian higher education institutions and systemProject GIZ-PAU QA
Development of an Initial Quality Assurance Framework for the Pan-African University, especially for the Pan-African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences (including Climate Change)